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Vignettes from Autumn in the Garden Tour

October 1, 2011

I had a lovely day touring gardens here in Point Loma. The weather was perfect–blue skies, a few clouds and cool breezes. Here are some images from the gardens of San Diego Master Gardeners.

Garden stuff corralled and artfully arranged.

My garden gloves are tossed in a wire basket. Here they are garden art and it would be easier to find both gloves.

Another pleasant place to work. The area is shaded and note the water faucet.

And to the right of the work area, more functional garden art.

A small bed for greens–only about 3'x3’. Lots of sun

Asparagus grow in the same size small raised bed.

Anna apples, grow in several of the Point Loma gardens on the tour.

In Season: October

Guava Season