
Looking for something specific?
Here are some things I’ve written about. Search any of these

apples, apricots, artichokes, arugula
beets, blueberries, broccoli
carrots, cauliflower, celery
cool season garden, cucumbers
garlic, guavas, insects, kale, kohlrabi
kumquats, lettuce, limes
marionberries, mustard ,oranges
organic, persimmons, poetry
pomegranates, radish, raised beds
rhubarb, scallions, snow peas
spinach, squash, strawberries
tangerines, tomatoes
warm season garden, zucchini
Something not here? Get in touch.



There are two seasonal diversions that can ease the bite of any winter. One is the January thaw. The other is the seed catalogues.

Hal Borland

January 5, 2012

On the heels of Christmas they begin to arrive.

First of some occasional “bi-coastal gardener” posts. I recall winter in Massachusetts. My son just returned from New England this evening. It was 7 degrees when he left and 72 degrees when he landed in San Diego.

Happy New Year