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Harvest Monday: First Things and Last Things

April 8, 2013


The first artichoke, captured in waning daylight, just before it was cut for dinner. So artichoke season begins. It is spring.


How long can I, or will I, harvest side shoots? They get smaller and smaller and then seem to bolt to yellow flowers when I turn my back. Maybe one more week before I ready the brassica bed for summer crops.


Looking like a couple of maiden aunts, I extracted the last two radishes from the root vegetable bed. Fearing they’d be strong-flavored and woody, I cut them in quarters and roasted with other vegetables.


The lovely ‘Red Frills’ Mustard is now six feet tall and the bees buzz about on sunny days. For now, I’ll enjoy how it catches the sea breezes.


Neither in the last things or first things category, Swiss chard faithfully stands at the ready in the garden. Warm and longer days make it more robust. Look for my Swiss Chard Pesto Pasta post later this week.


The asparagus bed yields a half dozen spears most days.


Someone else likes asparagus. Here Lucy chews the tough ends but she’s been caught nibbling the tender tops.

Harvest Monday is hosted by Daphne’s Dandelions. It’s a time to share what you’re harvesting in your garden or how you’re storing or using it.

Swiss Chard Pesto Pasta

Hoping for Apricots