
Looking for something specific?
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apples, apricots, artichokes, arugula
beets, blueberries, broccoli
carrots, cauliflower, celery
cool season garden, cucumbers
garlic, guavas, insects, kale, kohlrabi
kumquats, lettuce, limes
marionberries, mustard ,oranges
organic, persimmons, poetry
pomegranates, radish, raised beds
rhubarb, scallions, snow peas
spinach, squash, strawberries
tangerines, tomatoes
warm season garden, zucchini
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Good Bug, Bad Bug

20 April 2011

Recently, I spotted an unknown bug on my potted lime tree. Good bug? Bad bug? I didn’t know if I should squish it between my fingers (bad bug) or let it be (good bug). I reached for my newly acquired Mac’s Field Guide Good Garden Bugs of California. (Bad bugs are on the flip side of the 7"x12" laminated card). Yes, it was a bad bug–a green leafhopper, so away with it. Purchase the guide on Amazon, about $5. (Cards for California, Pacific Northwest, Midwest, Northeast, Southeast).

A Native Gem

Escargot to Go (Away)