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In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen

In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen

The start of my spring melange for Easter dinner began with a trip to the garden. The celery and broccoli are near the end of their run but the carrots and spring onions will be harvested for several weeks. The white carrot was perfect for the muted colors I envisioned.


I pull carrots as I need them and these ‘Bolero’ Nantes carrots are reliable favorites I plant every fall. Even as they thicken they remain sweet and are slow to develop the hard core. Rain for the season is well above average and the roots go deep in the loose raised bed soil. I like the “just pulled from the soil” look sometimes.


We had rain most every day last week so I wasn’t in the garden much. The beets are sizing up and it’s time to bring them in more often. Having vegetables to harvest is a blessing as we avoid grocery stores.


Stay at home orders means I accomplish some projects put off by the normal routines of life. Candied citrus peel was easy and fun to do. We still have so many oranges and I had the sugar and the time. There will be a blog post on the how-to this week.


I generally just grab enough kale when needed for a soup and on this night it was just enough for me. My husband is not a fan of kale in soup.


These little gems are on the patio outside the kitchen door. They’re especially nice this spring, likely because of the rain.


We had a taste test one night. The purple artichoke has been our favorite but the globe artichokes performed well this season and came close in flavor and texture.


Since I wouldn’t be making an Easter bouquet for church, I decided to put together a dozen small bouquets to set out for those walking by. The calendulas were tidied up and I smiled with satisfaction to see them in the hands of others.

You may enjoy seeing what other garden bloggers harvested last week at Harvest Monday hosted by Dave at Our Happy Acres.

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Candied Citrus Peel

Candied Citrus Peel

Resurrection Sunday

Resurrection Sunday