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How to Store Beets

How to Store Beets

I just harvested the last of my ‘Sweet Merlin’ beets planted last October. In my rich, loose soil, I plant them using a grid, about 70 beets in a two foot by four foot area. Pulling the smaller ones as the season proceeds lets others size up.

Typically, we enjoy the smaller beets in various recipes, including Swedish pickled beets. After sharing some of the harvest with friends this spring, I still have about 25 beets to store for use in the coming months. I have room in my produce drawer—or I make room—as I like to enjoy the beets as I wait for the summer crops. They keep well.

I turned to my online garden mentor at Harvest to Table for his advice on storing beets. Steve Albert advises twisting off the beet greens for optimal storage. I have never done that. The first group of stored beets were cut so I have an experiment and can observe any differences.

He also recommended storing the beets in a perforated bag so I pressed a leftover apple bag into service. Check his blogpost for when to harvest beets, how to harvest beets and how to store beets.

How to Harvest and Store Beets

June by John Updike

June by John Updike

Memorial Day Memories

Memorial Day Memories