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On Blueberries--Part 2

March 6, 2014


This is one of the Maple Blueberry Scones from Joy the Baker website. I wish I could say I waited patiently until I had enough blueberries of my own to make this gem of a recipe. 

Instead, I bought out-of-season fresh blueberries at Specialty Produce. (The website says they’re grown at Pudwill Berry Farms in Nipomo, north of Santa Barbara, not in Chile as I suspected). An impulse buy for sure after perusing the Joy the Baker website.

Scones are an indulgence. Here, one tablespoon of butter per scone plus whatever I slather on before eating. But I’m tempted to say, “Life is too short not to have scones from time to time.”

So check out the recipe for Maple Blueberry Scones. Her photos are gorgeous. I like her method of incorporating the butter with the flour using your fingers. (I did a pie crust this way recently).

As I prepared the scones, the aroma of pure maple syrup seemed so “Sunday morning” and anyone who incorporates “a pinch of freshly grated nutmeg” in a recipe has already won my affection. Before baking, she says, “brush lightly with buttermilk and sprinkle with granulated sugar.” The crowning touch.

Please forgive my out-of-season extravagance. I can’t even blame it on a snow storm.

Intention to Garden?

On Blueberries--Part 1