In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen
July 13, 2015
It was a week of firsts and lasts. The first baby arugula harvest 29 days after planting in a 12-inch container.
Here was a quick dinner with the arugula and some garden lettuce.
Strawberry guavas ripened about two months early. We had unusually warm weather January through March. Apparently, the guavas responded, though our apricots did not. My husband brought these in yesterday. Today, I’ll eat one right off the tree, warmed by the afternoon sun.
Here’s the last of my winter kale which lasted two months longer this year. I’m attributing that to a relatively aphid-free spring. Could it be the hoverlies and alyssum?
And my portion of the last round of golden beets. I steamed these and drizzled with blackberry-ginger balsamic vinegar from Ojai Olive Oil Company. We toured the ranch a few weeks ago and sampled the vinegars and olive oils. This vinegar is so aromatic and the perfect blend of sweet, fruity and sharp.
The strawberries continue, here combined with luscious white nectarines from the farmers market.
And a bouquet of lettuce picked in waning daylight.
To see more garden harvests from around the world, follow the link to Daphne’s Dandelions.