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In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen 8-31-15

Just a few photos this week with a little commentary. My son’s wedding is in twelve days. Each day is brimful.


The first of several Japanese eggplants this week. This beauty went to a friend who grew up in a traditional Italian household. Later, his wife dropped off some intensely flavored small tomatoes–a special treat since I didn’t grow any this summer.

I harvested the first of the bell peppers this week but forgot to take a picture.


Many harvests of the ‘Emerite’ green beans this week. It’s a very productive variety, often with four to six beans in a cluster.


A late afternoon ingathering.


And ‘Berry Basket’ zinnias for the church bouquet.

To see more garden harvests from around the world, follow the link to Daphne’s Dandelions.