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In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen 7-18-16


My volunteer Hallock tomato continues to produce prolifically. This is about half of one sweep and there are still hundreds on the vines. Since it’s in the front yard, we’ve invited neighbors to help themselves.

Today’s post is about last night’s dinner and the garden harvests of tomatoes, arugula and thyme.


Roasting seemed a sensible way to use so many ripe tomatoes and I had a recipe for Pasta with Roasted Vegetables and Arugula from Everyday Foods. I added some grape tomatoes to mine for better color and thyme leaves from the garden.


The tomatoes melted and flavors of the red onion, garlic, olive oil and thyme made a luscious addition to the pasta.


I served the pasta and vegetables on the just picked arugula. The blend of flavors was memorable.


Blueberries from our plant outside the kitchen with a seasonal nectarine was the perfect finish to the meal. 

Oh summer! Don’t we love it?

To view other summer harvests head over to Harvest Monday hosted by Our Happy Acres.