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ID and Prevent Tomato Diseases

July 27, 2016


This is what I’m missing this year. Only the little yellow Hallock tomatoes grow in my garden this summer. Termites irreparably damaged our redwood raised beds after almost twenty years and we’re planning their replacements.

Every summer I struggle with tomato diseases for several reasons. To start, I prefer many of the heirlooms, some of which are more susceptible to disease in my coastal environment. And my high humidity coastal garden (two blocks from the ocean) fosters some of the fungal diseases. Finally, because my garden is small I probably plant my tomatoes too close together, limiting good air circulation. I always just want to get in one more plant. 

If you struggle with tomato diseases in your garden you’ll find this blog post by Barbara Pleasant helpful. ID and Prevent 6 Common Tomato Disease posted at Mother Earth News.

Enjoy one of your garden tomatoes for me.

In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen 8-1-16

Craving Marionberries