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How to Grow A Vegetable Garden--Part 2: Grow More Food in Less Space

April 8, 2014


Intensive gardening lets you grow more food in less space. The article in Mother Earth News I link to here is the best I’ve seen on the topic.


Blend the best principles of biointensive gardening and square-foot gardening to devise a customized, highly productive intensive gardening system.

Whether you grow food on a spacious homestead or are digging into your first urban garden, ditching the plant-by-rows approach and instead adopting intensive gardening techniques can help you grow a more productive garden that’s also more efficient to manage. These methods will open up a new world when it comes to small-space gardening, which can be so much more than just a few lone pots on a balcony. If you do it right, you can grow more food in less space and put an impressive dent in your household’s fresh-food needs. Read more

How to Grow A Vegetable Garden--Part 3: Vegetable Garden Plans

Planting Peas--An Early Start