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Harvest Monday: Zucchini with Lemony Crumbs

August 20, 2012

Since my ‘Indigo Rose’ tomatoes are still not ripe, I’m left with zucchini again for Harvest Monday. This week I browsed Epicurious looking for new recipes for my prodigious zucchini crop. Zucchini with Lemony Crumbs caught my fancy.

Here are the ingredients, sans butter.

First, the bread crumbs are prepared with the lemon zest, fresh thyme and butter.

It was difficult not to eat these little croutons–so flavorful and golden.

Minced garlic is cooked in butter briefly until fragrant, then the grated zucchini is sauteed to soften.

I was just able to snap a picture in waning daylight.

Here’s the recipe for Zucchini with Lemony Crumbs. Next time I’d made much smaller croutons–more like crumbs per the recipe. All the flavors worked well together and I still have some croutons for a salad.

Harvest Monday is hosted by Daphne’s Dandelions. It’s a time to share what you’re harvesting in your garden or how you’re using it.