March 28, 2012
Forsythia intermedia Photo credit: Dan Smith, Wikimedia Commons
I turned the page yesterday in my Book of Days where I’ve recorded what is blooming in my garden since 1989, my last year in Massachusetts. I found my list of the harbingers of spring in my zone 5b, Ipswich garden. Here it is for your enjoyment.
- Crocus shows first shoots under the leaves.
- Sunshine peaks in east windows in the the morning and west kitchen window late in the day.
- Forsythia buds swell and we bring branches indoors to force.
- Asparagus appears at Oh Busters (green grocer in North Beverly).
- Warm days come but are followed by return of the cold.
- First robin spotted and the next day we go on a picnic.
- A lightweight summer jacket is enough when out in the daytime.
- Apple trees and raspberry bushes need pruning.
- Daffodils poke through the leaves.