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Another Persimmon Delight

January 3, 2013


Fuyu persimmons, grown locally, have been available at Baron’s here in San Diego. California readers may still see fuyus at their farmer’s markets, though they’re most bountiful in November and December. Persimmons make a striking seasonal display on my kitchen counter and this may be the last one until next year.

I’ve been adding chopped persimmons to my green and fruit salads and also eating them out of hand. When one of the fuyus becomes too soft, it goes into a smoothie along with frozen diced pineapple, milk and agave syrup. A too ripe pear or banana would do as well.

If you need more reasons to try fuyu persimmons, know they’re good sources of vitamin A, potassium and fiber. (Source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference). Check other posts I’ve done on persimmons here and here for a great persimmon-pomegranate salad.

Persimmons continue to delight and perhaps it’s genetic. I have many persimmon recipes from my grandmother, who benefited from the bounty of friends who grew them in San Juan Capistrano.

Cut and Come Again Celery Update

Winter Gardens