In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen
The most recent In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen post was quite lengthy so today’s will be brief. Last week’s first harvest was Red Russian Kale. Peaking underneath you can see Black Magic kale which is my staple choice.
Honestly, I think I plant it for the colors—the magenta stems and veins against the blue-green leaves. Some years ago I planted the red kohlrabi for the stunning colors and only a marginal interest in the vegetable.
The art of gardens.
In late November I made strawberry guava-pineapple shrub with the final hurrah of guavas. I’m nearing the end of the fridge supply. Yesterday was spring-like and a quarter cup of the shrub concentrate was refreshing with sparkling water. Note, it’s sort of magenta. There’s more Magenta Madness.
Sunday’s church entry bouquet, Grevillea Moonlight in it’s spring glory.
Check the What I’m Planting Now page as I start seeds for the warm season garden. Then head to Harvest Monday, hosted by Dave at Happy Acres blog and see what garden bloggers around the world harvested last week.
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