In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen
Today’s church entry bouquet was unusual as the contents were from the vegetable garden (excepting the adjacent daffodils). Foliage provided a variety of textures, shades of green and fragrance. Contents included celery, parsley, dill, beet greens, snow pea flowers and vines, Iceland poppy and daffodil.
Harvests from the last two weeks are best summarized by these two images documenting the garden haul sent home with my son after a recent visit. The vegetable garden is robust in late winter.
Salads vary day to day by what’s at hand, my mood, chosen color scheme and desired flavor profile.
An abundance of broccoli side shoots of various sizes continue despite plants that look shabby now.
And here’s a bouquet from the front yard garden.
Check the What I’m Planting Now page as I succession plant in the cool season garden. Then head to Harvest Monday, hosted by Dave at Happy Acres blog and see what garden bloggers around the world harvested last week.
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