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In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen

In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen

Growing arugula in a container is a cinch. Start to finish, planting might take 15 minutes. Seed to first harvest is about thirty days. Containers can be situated with the best sun on a patio or porch and near the kitchen for easy snipping. I just did my first harvest yesterday for a lunch salad.

For more details see my previous blog post Growing Arugula and Other Greens in Containers.

My New Year’s Eve dinner assignment was a green salad for ten. An easy harvest from mesclun lettuce, a romaine mix and Little Gem Type Trio. Additions included purple carrots, purple cauliflower, red onion slivers, celery and pistachios. Then I forgot to snap a photo.

A few days later, a similar salad with Jacaranda broccoli was captured in a photo.

A dozen Haas and Fuerte avocados came our way from a cousin who grows them on fifteen acres in Valley Center. They’re quite firm now but might be ripe by the Super Bowl!

Flowers are sparse in the garden now but paperwhites extend their season to two months in various locations around our yard. As days lengthen more perennial blooms will appear. This week I’ll plant calendula seeds and track down some Iceland poppy starts.

Later this week I’ll feature the garden tool my husband fashioned for easy seed spacing. Now on to 2025!

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January by John Updike

January by John Updike

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!