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apples, apricots, artichokes, arugula
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cool season garden, cucumbers
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kumquats, lettuce, limes
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Got extra citrus this month?

Got extra citrus this month?

Around my neighborhood at this time of year, I see lemons and oranges that have fallen from trees and rolled down the hills to settle in the gutters. On my walks I notice neighbors have set out boxes of lemons and limes. It is the season of citrus.

Many in San Diego have more fruit than they need or can use and yet even the sometimes aged trees produce abundantly. Enter Senior Gleaners of San Diego County. If you have citrus or other crops to share, contact them on their website. If you live outside San Diego County look for a gleaning group in your area.

Who we are

Established in 1994, we are one of the first gleaning groups in San Diego County and one of the largest with more than 200 senior volunteers. Since our founding, we have collected more than 7 million pounds of food. A 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, we depend on donations and grants for our funding.

What we do

We gather surplus food at no charge to resident donors or recipients. We also provide meaningful activity and social connections for our senior volunteers. Residents and businesses benefit since we save them the labor of picking or disposing of extra food in exchange for a tax deduction. Additionally, we keep tons of organics out of landfills thereby reducing methane gas.

How we do it

Volunteers collect and transport food to distributors. Most people work 3-4 hours one day per week, but there are no required minimums. Some form mini-crews that set their own schedules.

In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen

In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen

Immigrants by Robert Frost

Immigrants by Robert Frost