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In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen

In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen

The holiday season has been hopping for most of us and the blog took a backseat to most of the activities. As we finish December 2024, here’s a roundup of harvests since early December with a few salads thrown in. Mostly images here for a quick scroll.

Jacaranda broccoli from Territorial Seed Company commands the thumbnail and with Premium Crop broccoli below.

A few more of the twenty heads of broccoli grown and harvested to the delight of neighbors and family.

Then, in cadence the cauliflower begins. This year it was twelve heads of Amazing and DePurple both from Territorial Seed Company.

Small harvests of lettuce, arugula and baby leaf spinach make glorious salads.

Two of the gorgeous Little Gem Type Trio lettuces.

Coronado, California

Sunset Cliffs, Point Loma near my home.


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Cuttings: Selected Quotes
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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Sunsets Near the Winter Solstice

Sunsets Near the Winter Solstice