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In My Garden, Mid-February

In My Garden, Mid-February

Blossoms emerge on the NectaPlum tree and the apricot is not far behind.


Another round of ‘Sea of Red’—my favorite winter lettuce brightens the lettuce bed as the first planting finishes.


Mesclun and ‘Lollo Rossa’ lettuces


A second planting of arugula as the October patch begins to flower. The bamboo sticks are needed to discourage the moles from disturbing the seedlings.


Next to the arugula a row of calendula bloomed this week. Bouquets and petals for salads ahead.


Celery and beets grow well with the cool nights and sunny days.


Carrots, radishes and spring onions co-mingle.


Nearby in a bed by the compost bin a globe artichoke prepares for spring production.


Next to the artichoke a dozen ‘Seascape’ strawberry plants begin to blossom.


Ten broccoli plants produce side shoots after the main heads were harvested.


Baby leaf kale grows in a container and is sizing up.


The first sweet peas bloomed this week.


I pass these daffodils and johnny-jump-ups on my way to the garden. ‘February Gold’ is golden in February.

In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen

In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen

The Tendrils of the Sweet Pea

The Tendrils of the Sweet Pea