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In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen

‘Freckles’ lettuce is a tender romaine with dark red speckles, aka ‘Flashy Trout Back.’ It grows well for me in bright light and a few hours of sun daily. We’ve had Santa Ana conditions with warm days and low humidity off and on for several weeks. All my romaine lettuce plants are thinking about bolting so I’ve been sharing them with neighbors recently.

Six romaine lettuces were interplanted with 17 cauliflower plants in a 4 x 8 foot bed. This large head was nestled between several Romanesco plants and also was at risk of bolting. The time had come. Two heads of romaine linger as my letuce transplants size up.

There was something very satisfying about lifting these three radishes from the soil so I decided to snap the shot with soil. I’m reminded to keep an eye on them as they seem to enlarge suddenly to a less desirable size. These are Easter Egg II which I find attractive in salads.

I had few takers for my homemade fig jam offered with charcuterie at Thanksgiving. So with the open jar I made Oatmeal Fig Bars. I’m sure most any fruit preserve would work.

I do hope everyone had a pleasant Thanksgiving. The worms in the worm bin certainly did with the potato peelings and some less than perfect lettuce.

After a solitary Thanksgiving last year—just the two of us—it was a joy to set the table for eight family and friends. This year I placed a bundle of native sage and a handful of our orange wedges in the turkey cavity. Orange zest and chopped sage went under the skin.

And here’s my garden bouquet that graced the Thanksgiving table. In this season, thankfulness fills my heart.

You may enjoy seeing what other garden bloggers harvested last week at Harvest Monday hosted by Dave at Our Happy Acres.

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