How to Compost at Home
Never plant without a bucket of compost at your side.—Elsa Bakalar
Except—when you’re planting California natives.
Producing quality compost is the most important job on the organic farm.—Eliot Coleman
Julia Simon for NPR
NPR’s Life Kit has a useful guide to getting started in a 17-minute listen or you can read a summary at the link below. Topics include:
1. Select your food scraps.
2. Store those food scraps.
3. Choose a place to make your compost.
4. Make the compost mix.
5. Wait and aerate.
There’s a resource guide with links for trouble-shooting, worm composting and more detailed instructions for composting. There are options even if you don’t have an outdoor space to compost.
How to Compost at Home
My compost bin with leaves covering recent additions to keep fruit flies at bay.
Finished compost.
Live in an apartment or condo? Read more about my experience with Worm Composting which can be done indoors. My son did it in a loft in Downtown LA, keeping the bin in a closet.
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