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The Covid-19 Victory Garden

The Covid-19 Victory Garden

A short history of the victory garden, or how to get through the COVID-19 crisis by planting your own food
—Los Angeles Times

This is a fabulous recent article from the LA Times. Here are the opening paragraphs and link to get you started.

It’s no surprise we’re embracing victory gardens today: During both world wars, patriotic Americans kept the home fires burning — and their soldiers fed — by converting any available space into a garden. It was an act of defiance and self-reliance with a shovel and a hoe.

The “enemy” today is COVID-19, and between illness and stay-at-home restrictions around the world, there are already concerns about how our food supplies will be affected. Just consider: Who’s out there planting now? Who will harvest? And how will the crops get to our markets?

Growing food is one small thing we can do to regain control and help ourselves — a way to improve our mental and physical health during an optimum time for starting a vegetable garden. Read more

This poster was one of many distributed during World War II to encourage Americans to plant victory gardens to ensure there was enough food to feed the troops as well as the folks at home.(National Archives and Records Administration)

This poster was one of many distributed during World War II to encourage Americans to plant victory gardens to ensure there was enough food to feed the troops as well as the folks at home.(National Archives and Records Administration)

Tomorrow: DIY: Plant a victory garden now and grow your own groceries

Plant A Victory Garden Now

Plant A Victory Garden Now

A Year in the Garden

A Year in the Garden