Plant An Apple Tree
“Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.”
—Martin Luther
As long as we’ve owned a home, we’ve had apple trees. Our first home in Massachusetts came with three standard heirloom apple trees including two Baldwins.
When we moved back to California we planted ‘Gordon’ apple and ‘Washington’ navel orange trees the first year. Later, we planted an espaliered ‘Dorsett Golden ‘ apple tree which gives us a late spring and a fall crop most years.
Here’s our ‘Dorsett Golden’ espaliered apple in bloom in early spring.
Check the Dave Wilson Nursery website which is an excellent source of information on backyard orchard culture. Dave Wilson Nursery continues to collect both old and new varieties that they consider are the best in the U.S. Choose from 66 apple varieties, selecting ones appropriate for your climate zone and chill hours.
Most of our fruit trees were purchased at nurseries carrying their stock. California retail nurseries carrying Dave Wilson Nursery trees are listed here. For retail nurseries outside of California check this list.
January is a perfect time to plant a bare root apple tree in warm winter areas. What’s your favorite apple?