Autumnal Equinox--The First Day of Fall
I’ve always been fascinated by the concept of equinox, marking the transition from long days to long nights. In SoCal that means sunrise and sunset hover around 6:35. It’s a nice compromise. I awaken to the front edge of the day, not the screaming light of the summer solstice closer to 5 a.m. The sunset is late enough to allow a walk after dinner in the cool of the day and I don’t feel compelled to lather on the sunscreen.
If you need a refresher on the equinox, check this Wikipedia link.
I’ll be pulling this book out to continue my annual read. I just read snatches every year and remember my autumn garden in New England.
And my garden will take on a different cast as leaves fall.
The autumn light is warmer and softer. Today I bought a dress with shades of autumn.