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In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen

In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen

The garden abundance fosters immense creativity with salads. I wander about the garden and gather just enough for a lunch salad for me or a dinner salad of us.

The winter garden

The winter garden

The winter garden is my favorite—the variety of greens, the brassicas, the root vegetables; cool weather, rain, fewer weeds and pests.. By comparison, my summer garden seems pedestrian and a little boring: tomatoes, summer and winter squash, eggplant, peppers, corn, cukes and beans. Add to that lots of irrigation, bugs, weeds and fog.

Arugula sheared, literally.

Arugula sheared, literally.

I sheared the arugula before leaving for a few days. It’s beyond what some of my garden consumers like but I have one neighbor who will take arugula at any stage.

‘Ruby Streaks’ mustard

‘Ruby Streaks’ mustard

She also likes to saute the peppery mustard greens so I headed them back in their container. They grow too vigorously when planted with the other greens.

‘Easter Egg II’ radishes

‘Easter Egg II’ radishes

I snatched a few radishes from the garden before they split or became too large.

Romanesco and ‘February Gold’ daffodils

Romanesco and ‘February Gold’ daffodils

I was dashing to the house with the Romanescos and the daffodils caught my eye. Why not put them together for a photo? I took them to my sister’s and we made Lemony Romanesco with Pine Nuts. See my post on Romanesco from last week.

Here’s a container of garden goodness I packed in my suitcase for my trip to the Pacific Northwest. Most every time I travel with veggies and fruit in my suitcase, TSA wants to take a look.

Here’s a container of garden goodness I packed in my suitcase for my trip to the Pacific Northwest. Most every time I travel with veggies and fruit in my suitcase, TSA wants to take a look.

Kumquat marmalade

Kumquat marmalade

Last week I made kumquat marmalade and did a blog post on Kumquats and Marmalade.

Garden goodness for neighbors.

Garden goodness for neighbors.

And here’s one of several garden gift trays I shared with neighbors. To see what other garden bloggers are harvesting head over to Harvest Monday hosted by Dave at Our Happy Acres.

"To Make the World More Beautiful..."

"To Make the World More Beautiful..."

Kumquats and Marmalade

Kumquats and Marmalade