In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen
A certain sign of the changing seasons in the garden—the beet thinnings, snipped and washed became micro-greens for salads.
With the cooler weather, the French sorrel, grown year round in a 12-inch terra cotta pot, has lost the summer pungency and is so very lemony.
French sorrel and beet thinnings
Together they were the base layer for a dinner salad last night.
Here, the French sorrel subbed for arugula with Trader Joe’s Lemon Ricotta Ravioli. Fresh lemon juice and EVOO brought all the flavors together.
With some late-blooming lavender flowers I made what is likely the last round of lavender lemonade for the season. I have a thing for Lavender Lemonade as you can see in this post.
Here’s the first of the romaine lettuces grown from transplants.
I picked the remaining ‘Provider’ bush beans before making way for cauliflower and cabbage. The ‘Royal Burgundy’ bush beans surprise me with their late season productivity despite cool nights into the high 50’s.
Daily I grab a handful about like this from my one foot by three foot swath. We share them but lately I’ve started blanching and freezing them for later.
We gathered in about five pounds of strawberry guavas but the season is almost over.
Sunday’s church bouquet suggests a joining of the summer and fall flower gardens. Zinnias and milkweed linger while Mexican marigold begins its autumn run.
See what other garden bloggers harvested last week at Harvest Monday hosted by Dave at Our Happy Acres.