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Anise Swallowtail Butterfly in My Garden

Anise Swallowtail Butterfly in My Garden

Various swallowtail butterflies visit my garden. They prefer the parsley and carrots in my garden and the fennel in the alley. Usually they flit about so that I can rarely capture a photo. Today, this anise swallowtail cooperated and I snapped repeatedly. It zigzagged between the parsley, the artichoke and green beans but more often returned to the parsley plant. Frequently the swallowtails light upon the citrus—orange and tangerine trees.

See images of anise swallowtail butterflies, the egg, larva and pupa stages and read more about them.

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In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen

In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen

September in the SoCal Garden

September in the SoCal Garden